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The business community in Genesee County plays an important role in protecting the water resources of our community.

At times, employees are asked to dispose of dirty water used for cleaning or another process of the business. The lack of proper waste disposal training can send the untreated water to the ground and into the storm drains to contaminate our freshwater. The best practice would be to send the water down the drain to take to the sanitary sewer for treatment. Many businesses power wash their vehicles, pavements, and buildings, which sends wastewater to the storm drain.

Here is a list on how Our Business Practices Can Affect Our Rivers.

Special Instances

Dumpsters are often not watertight. When it rains the waste often leaks into the parking lot. The best practice for this is to make sure the lid is closed on garbage cans whenever they are not being filled or emptied. (Brochure)

Restaurants improperly disposing of grease results in contaminants reaching the storm drain. This illicit discharge is caused when the substance is spilled or leaks from the container onto the ground. (Brochure)

Outdoor Cleaning of soapy or dirty surfaces can contribute to pollution. Your business must properly contain, collect, and dispose of the wash water it creates. Your business may be subject to fines and other penalties if it does not handle its wash water properly. (Brochure)

Golf Courses have an impact on water quality as well. Read more here and here.

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